you can make a repair, but it will require you to find at least 2 more VHS tape cassettes that you will have to scavenge, so they can't have anything on them that you need either. you don't need a "special" tape, the Scotch "magic mending tape" the frosted kind works for this.
first take one of the tosser VHS cassettes, remove the screws. don't open the shell yet. turn it over and catch the screws. then carefully lift the top cover to expose the reels. now look carefully how the tape is threaded around the posts because tape you are restoring might not be right. now restore everything and put the screws back in. do this several times until you are comfortable that you are doing it right.
Now open it one more time and cut the tape with scissors right at where the the videotape meets the clear leader. now lift the reel that has the videotape and toss it. leaving the shell with the empty take up reel. Now get the other tosser cassette and fast forward it all the way to the end and stop (don't rewind) and eject. Go through the same proceedure, except this time the empty reel will be on the other side.
If it is not already, cue the tape to be restored to the point where it was damage and eject. Now you are ready to open up the cassette shell. pull the videotape out a little bit, since it is badly crinkled, remove the entire crinkled section, cut with scissors. now you are left with videotape on one reel on the left side and one with video tape on the other side. remove the left side and put it the tosser shell that has the empty reel on the right side. join the videotape to the clear leader tape with tape. thread the videotape through the posts and close up the shell again. repeat for the other side. now you have two cassettes, each has half of the original program. congratulation, you are done.
there are "how to" programs on repairing VHS tapes on youtube. you might want to see how it is done first. however never try to "splice" the two sections of the damage tape together thinking that will make one tape. that won't work and could break you VCR when you try to play it.